Thursday, July 26, 2007

Day 6 - July 26th

After the big IST THANK YOU party last night, the camp seemed to be later in getting up. I went for an early shower at 5:30 am at it was busier than usual. By 6:30 am there was a line up to get in the building now that the IST subcamp is full of IST. The breakfast line-up is much longer now as well.

The Jamboree site is growing everyday as the excitement of the Scouts arriving grows. The UK contingent have started to arrive on site.

My first task today was to head off and check for 3 missing tents. On our way on the bikes we decided to take a side trip to a little town call Writtle where we found a Post Office that was selling the Jamboree stamps and a bank where we could exchange some Canadian $$$ for British £££. Writtle is a nice little village and had a long talk with one of the locals about where I was from Canada.

After checking the Canadian World Village program tent and unable to find the missing tents it was back to Canada House. Myself and Freda headed off to the Contingent Support Centre to check on tomorrows lunches for our Scouts arriving and to ensure changes to the participant last was updated. On the way from the Contingent Support Centre Freda fell off the bike and was in great pain, Luckily a student doctor and support staff with a walkie talkie was nearby and they had an ambulance on the way quickly. Found out later she had broken two ribs. Freda asked I continue on to Jamboree HQ to check on the participant list and lunches. After getting thru the screening point and into the heart of the Jamboree HQ you could feel the adrenaline of the Scouters working there.Was able to meet with a couple of great UK Scouters who offered us a cup of tea as we waited. As I was waiting Freda appeared from the hospital and I walked with her slowly back to Canada House.

Since one of the bikes was not working properly I took it to the bike shop for repair. They have a complete bike repair shop where the chain spindle was replaced in about 30 minutes. Here is a picture:

Then I was off biking to Writtle again to fill a prescription for Freda from the hospital. THe UK weather decided to give us a nice little downpour for my bike ride. Found the local village pharmacy and they fill the prescription and I was glad to have my raingear for the bike ride back to the camp.

After about 2 hours of heavy rain it let up and the sun came out after everything was drench which will surely become a mud pitt again.

At Canada House some of the Build Team entertained was with some music. Here is a picture:

On my bike ride to supper it was interesting to see some of the UK contingents building their camp site which I took a few pictures below. Oh what a day!!!!!

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