Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Day 11 - Tuesday July 31st

Today was another nice day with lots of sun. After breakfast hiked to Gate 1 where the Day Visitors arrive to meet Jack McCracken from Ottawa who is in the UK attending the World Scout Foundation gathering. It was interesting to watch the Scouts loading the buses for the off-site programs like Splash and Gilwell Park Adventure. I was able to meet Jack and was able to go on a tour of Hyland House with him, then we went to the Post Office to pick up some Jamboree stamps he wanted and the Scout Shop in the Plaza followed by a walk thru the World Scout Centre to look at the many countries displays and Canada House.

On our ay back to Hyland House we stopped at the World Scout display where John Gremill from Cnada gave us our own tour and took us to the Korean tent who are hosting the next World Scout conference in 2008 so Jack could pick up some information on the conference.

While Jack was at his lunch banquet I dropped by the midday show at the main stage for the Day Visitors which included some of the entertainment from the Opening Ceremony. Afterwards met Jack and we went for a walk thru the One World garden that was built as a gift from the World Jamboree to Hyland Park. On our way back to the bus we walked thru one of the subcamps to show Jack the troop setups and it was impressive how some of the different troop had set-up their kitchen and eating area and how neat and tidy they were.

After dropping off Jack at the bus I went to the World Village to see how the day programming went and took a picture of one of the Scouts who did a great job with the soapstone carving. Tommorow is the sunrise ceremony to mark the official start to the 100th year anniversary of Scouting. We have to be ready for 6 am to hike to the main stage for the official 8 am ceremony.

A picture of one of the programs from Energizer program area:
A picture of the Koreans entertaining the camp with their drums and one of the Japanese contingent gateways:

Another soapstone creation from our program area at World Village:
Some One World garden photos:

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