Saturday, July 28, 2007

Day 8 - Saturday July 28th (Opening Ceremony)

Well, today was a hectic day with preparations for the Opening Cermony. It was originally plans for the evening, however, had to be changed to the afternoon in order for Prince William to attend. Attached are some of the pictures I took:
A medevil horseman at the start of the Opening to symbolize the UK heritage.

A picture of the Opening.

Some more pre-opening entertainment

Huge ballons representing the four countries that make up the UK.

A picture of some of the Scouts.

The World Scout Centre clock.

Hyland House where the Jamboree using Hyland Park that surrounds the house. Had afternoon tea and scones with Jeanette at Carruage Tea House next to Hyland House which was nice after the Opening.

Since they were unable to have the show and lights in the afternoon the music entertainment show and light part will continue this evening for the Scouts.

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